1 Year as a Systems Engineer

2 December 2021 by Bailey Jones

    It's been a while. I've been busy, but a good kind of busy! December 1st marked my first full year as a Systems Engineer at OverlayAnalytics and I could ask not be in a better place! I began my career with 3 AWS certifications, Cloud Practitioner, Solutions Architect, and SysOps Administrator. I now hold 6 AWS certifications, passing the Developer Associate, Security Speciality, and Advanced Networking Speciality exams during my first year of work. I've said this before, but it would be immensely more difficult and even less rewarding if I was not able to study and apply the skills learned with these certifications in real-world circumstances.

    In addition to adding to my AWS certification portfolio, I also dedicated time to learning new skills as well. Back in the spring I sat for and passed the Terraform Associate certifcation exam. Now Terraform is a service I use on a weekly basis for facilitating deployments within our cloud environments and I have to say, IaC tools, such as Terraform, increase efficiency ten-fold. Apart from cloud based services, I also began learning SQL. This is something I will be focusing my efforts towards in these next few months (along with studying AWS) to become comfortable and proficient within the Land of SQL.

    Not too long of a blog post today, just came on to give a quick synopsis of how my first year as a Systems Engineer played out. I am excited to see what year two has to bring and all of the skills that I will acquire! As always, thank you for reading, and in relation to my last blog post - set up MFA!