Website is officially live!

10 November 2020 by Bailey Jones

    Hello! If you don't already know by now, my name is Bailey Jones. After a week of early mornings and late nights, I have finished my personal website. While studying for my Amazon CCP I was super excited to learn about being able to build and deploy an entire website only using AWS services. As of right now, my primary intention for this site is to have a centralized location to showcase my tech projects and describe my journey along the way. I am elated to have this outlet to share my experience and built my portfolio in hopes of opening career opportunities along the way.

    I built my first website back in 2013 at the age of 14, A Wizard's Judgement, which was a personal blog for a game I played at the time (Wizard101). As a 14 year old I obviously didn't have money to pay for templates nor images so I was esentially forced to teach myself code and create and edit images with GIMP. Although I never finished it, I was able to quickly expose myself to basic HTML and CSS. Since then, I have been an advocate of building websites from the ground up-or in other words-not using a premade template. Although templates are easy for those with little to no experience, they bind you by restraints preveting you the freedom to build exactly what you want.

    Over the next couple of weeks I plan to make some edits to my template and add some more content, but this site is nearing it's final state. I am experiencing some formatting issues on mobile device browsers (Safari to be specific) so I will be focusing on working those kinks out in the meantime. Thankfully now I can delagate my time towards expanding my AWS knowledge, my primary weakness is that once I begin a project I have a tendancy to shut everything else off (inlcuding my sleep schedule) until it's finished. My next blog post will be over my current AWS Machine Learning project. You can find the source code for this website linked to a GitHub repo under portfolio > projects. Thanks for reading!